Wall Art Sets

These landscape and portrait curated sets of wall art look great together and cost 5% less than buying them individually.

If you want to customise any of the sets with additional, fewer, or replacement art pieces from the site, no problem - drop us a line pix@pixalot.co.za or jump on the live chat.

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Shop a Selection of Beautiful Wall Art Sets for Sale Online

Decorating with a collection of eye catching wall art sets is one way to create a uniform, complementary look that any room can benefit from. Whether it is a set of fine art prints, or something a little more contemporary, with the right collection, you can easily achieve the design effect that you won’t mind looking at every day.

Pixalot offers a variety of wall art sets for sale in a wide range of sizes and designs.

Some art is better suited to bedrooms while others will look better in living spaces. With the many options available, you will have a variety of options to look

At Pixalot, we have taken the time to carefully curate each of the wall art sets that are currently displayed on our webstore. We have a keen interest in wall art of all kinds, and we search far and wide to provide our clients with the best possible prints, each of which is expertly framed. Our artwork is suitable for spaces of all kinds and works well for decorating both home and office spaces. The versatility, as well as the affordability of our art, makes our wall designs the perfect choice for anyone looking for something different. 

Deciding on a Wall Art Set

A popular method of decorating with wall art is to simply select a single piece of statement art.

But for those who wish to create a little more of a statement look, opting for a collection of art can be more appealing.

Wall art sets usually comprise of three framed pieces. The set will often have a theme of some sort, with animals, flowers, landscapes, specific objects or just a couple of random shapes being common choices. 

When selecting wall art for your space, there are a few things that you can do in order to make the selection as suitable as possible for your particular needs. 

The art that you choose should be able to fit into your current interior décor and it is also helpful to select art based on the room in which it will be displayed. 

In the kitchen, prints featuring words or the everyday kitchen items such as utensils, spices and even fruit and vegetables are safe choices. For the bedroom, a place of a quiet relaxation, prints can include flowers, objects, and patterns. The same sorts of prints that are suitable for the bedroom can also be included in the living areas of the home. The most important consideration of all is that you buy the wall art set that you most prefer. 

As for designing with such art, there is no right or wrong way to display your new, beautiful prints. They can be hung vertically or horizontally, with both variations more than capable of achieving the desired effect.

Why Choose Wall Art Sets for Sale from Pixalot

With such a variety of wall art sets for sale online, via our webstore, you can afford to add something different and stylish to your home or office space. Shop online today to get your hands on some of the most beautiful wall art sets.